Monday, November 5, 2018

Smart financial moves to make in your 20s

They say that your 20s is probably the hardest part of your adulthood. This is your adjustment period wherein you’re quite unsure yet what to do, especially since all your life you looked up to adult figures, who doesn’t hesitate to tell you what you should be doing. And now, it’s your turn.

Smart financial

This is also the period when you have to create a career path that could determine your future, meaning you get to earn cash. However, what you do with them is important. Because of this, many will tell you to start budgeting in your 20s so you will have enough funds when you grow older.

Basically, there’s a lot of things you would be asked to invest in (to completely secure your future). For example, you need to establish a savings account, a retirement fund, an emergency fund, and even a holiday fund—which makes you question how exactly are you going to put money in all of them.

Thankfully, there are some smart financial moves you can do. Here are some of them now:

Spend Less

You might believe that this is easier said than done. But with a little bit of patience, self-control, and budgeting, you should be able to push through this first item.

The first thing you need to do to make this possible is by plotting out a feasible budget. For this one, you can use all the technology you have in your hands. You can manually create an excel sheet or even download the latest app to help you out. Afterward, be honest with yourself about how much you should be spending on items like utilities, groceries, transportation, allowances, entertainment, etc.

Following a budget will enable you to realize your spending habits. This will also make you conscious about the items you might be spending a bit too much on.

Track Your Expenses

Your budget will not do you any good if you don’t track your expenses. As much as possible, keep all your receipts so you can later note them down. This should let you know whether or not you’ve been maintaining your budget.

Open a Savings Account

Opening a savings account is a right of passage for those who enter their 20s.

Your earnings should go to somewhere fruitful. You shouldn’t be working so hard just to pay your bills and your other needs. You deserve to have something to look forward to; something that will secure your future. Opening up a savings account will do just that. As much as possible, stash at least 10% of your income in a savings account.


Spending less, tracking your expenses, and opening a savings account—these are the things you should be doing in your 20s in order to ensure you are managing your income well.

It might be difficult in the beginning. But hang in there! You should be able to grasp and do it soon without even batting an eyelash. Just be patient with yourself. When you’re ready, try seeking out more smart financial moves — such as doing the best investment moves — so you won’t just manage your money well, but also be able to grow it!


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